Wickr, Enterprise Level Security with SaaS Simplicity

Wickr Enterprise has just gotten even better! Wickr just released a major update that includes an exciting integration with our key technology partner – replicated. Together, this release brings a slew of new features to enterprise IT admins. We’ve made deployments much easier – with several key enhancements along the lines of installation, scalability, updates, change management, and supportability features. These features have been added all while continuing to preserve the absolute privacy and restricted access to the Wickr Enterprise instances.The installation process offers >10x reduction in deployment time and is now as simple as running a single install command on each server that is to be part of the Wickr cluster. The installer will automatically verify that the environment meets all of the standard requirements and surface any potential mismatches immediately. From there, IT admins can easily customize their deployment through a variety of settings and configuration options. To prevent misconfiguration, Wickr Enterprise now leverages advanced validation to ensure the authenticity of TLS certificates, credentials, and the general uniformity of data.

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