What if you could double the install success rate for your application?

Nikki Rouda

What if you could drastically improve the install success rate for your application? Few ISVs can say their software installs successfully on the first try in customer-managed K8s environments more than 50% of the time. And 96% of companies have 6 or more employees dedicated to on-prem software. This is because there are inevitable compatibility and configuration issues with the distro, add-ons, versions, or compute, networking, and storage resources in the cluster.

install success rate failed

K8s isn’t nearly as consistent as you would like or that Helm alone isn’t enough to guarantee install success. What if you could check all the requirements in advance and automate configuration?

Your field teams are spending huge portions of their time haplessly retrying to install your app. What if you could accelerate sales cycles and impress your customers?

On-site installs are taking up to 50% of your core engineering time trying to help the field engineers. What if you could be spending 50% more time developing new features instead of troubleshooting?

install success rate improved

Want to improve your install success rate and get back half of your field and engineering time?

Read more about how to Install Faster with replicated.