Starting in KOTS 1.13.0, new support for packaging anddistributing Kubernetes Operators has been introduced. Operators are agreat way to make self-managing applications by automating day-to-daymaintenance tasks that run in a “reconciliation loop” alongside theapplication. Operators alone aren’t great for 3rd-party softwaredelivery because they require manual intervention to deploy or upgradeacross different environments, which incurs a customer burden and makesmaintenance/support more difficult.
With direct support for operators, KOTS overcomes the aboveshortcomings by managing operator deployments/upgrades and handlingsupport for diverse environments (even airgapped environments). KOTSties it all together and takes scalable delivery of 3rd-partyapplications one step further with it’s new support of KubernetesOperators.
Operators are strong at automating “day 2” operations of an application. This is especially true for operations that are technically involved, coupled to the application, and reactive to usage patterns or time. For example:
These operations help to allow the application to be self-managing, saving the enterprise from manual intervention by codifying day-to-day maintenance tasks into an operator that runs closely alongside the application. These tasks all adhere to the Kubernetes self-correcting reconciliation/control loop pattern, which is a key characteristic of self-maintaining Kubernetes applications.
With the introduction of operators, KOTS now fully supports all central methods of resource management/delivery in Kubernetes:
The problem is that, without KOTS, all the of the above methods are notoperationally scalable, especially in the context of 3rd-partyapplication delivery. In-depth technical customization for each andevery environment would be required, making it a nightmare for softwarevendors to support and maintain their application. This is the centralproblem and solution of KOTS. That is, to operationalize and scale the distribution, management and support of 3rd-party applications on Kubernetes.
With this new version of KOTS, 3rd-party operators can be delivered to enterprise environments (including airgapped networks) in a truly scalable and seamless fashion, without requiring customization or manual intervention. More importantly, this capability enables all three delivery models to be leveraged by the Kubernetes application in harmony. The vendor’s application can benefit from rapid development through charts, elegant self-maintenance through operators, and flexibility/visibility through manifests. The result is a 3rd-party application where installation is seamless, maintenance is easy/automated, and where the level of Kubernetes sophistication required is vastly reduced.
The challenge of deploying Operators to enterprise and other secure environments is giving the Operator access to the images it needs at runtime in a way that meets the enterprise workflow and/or security requirements. For example, when the Confluent Operator receives a custom resource to deploy a new Kafka instance, it shouldn’t (or can’t) download Kafka container images from DockerHub. Instead, the images need to be made available to the cluster from the enterprise existing internal image registry (i.e. Artifactory or Harbor) where they can be scanned and processed.
Without KOTS, this process is highly involved for initial deployment and for each subsequent update of container images referenced custom resources. Every time this happens, the cluster-operator needs to re-package the image with a new tag on the local registry and update the custom resource to refer to the new local image.
The steps are far too cumbersome to be practical.
With KOTS, the process is simple:
If you would like more detail on packaging Operators within KOTS applications, head to our online documentation at: "#" data-wf-native-id-path="ec542cad-87a7-23a4-ec6a-7288123dcdde">"content">